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Branston are creating a potato derived protein product.

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Pulses are leguminous crops harvested for dry protein-rich seed, with peas (pisum sativum) and beans (vicia faba) being the major crops in the UK.

A combination of sustainability, health & animal welfare concerns are pushing a shift away from meat in our diets to alternative proteins.

As the UK's centre of excellence for peas and beans, the PGRO has a long and highly valued track record of providing authoritative, up to date information and project work based on solid, reliable research.


Legume is the commonly used name for the family of flowering plants, Fabaceae. Any plant in the Fabaceae family that has leaves, stems and pods are referred to as a Legume.

George Eustice has announced that there willl be £12.5M made available for research and developme

A roadmap for the future of the alternative protein sector in the UK.  

This topic refers to the whole food supply chain, from farm fork, and all the products and services that contribute to food production.

Field beans (vicia faba) are a widely grown break crop across the UK on around 170,000 ha. 

Peas (pisum sativum) are grown either for combining dry seed (combining peas) or harvesting fresh as a vegetable or for freezing (vining peas).

TABLE is a global platform for knowledge synthesis, for reflective, critical thinking and for inclusive dialogue on debates about the future of food.

Following the TRUE and LegValue EU projects this LinkedIn group with over 100 members continues to share resources for those interested in legume crops,

Connecting companies working to make the global protein system more sustainable, kind and fair for the planet, people, and animals.

It’s worth reflecting on why we export most of the pulse crop we produce in the UK, or simply fee

Please share resources, information and experiences, relating to food itself. 

The history of protein, from its 'discovery' and naming in 1838, is a story weaving science, nutritional politics, cultural attitudes to food, and much more. An understanding of this history is invaluable if we are to contextualise the current focus on protein that characterises discourses about health and sustainable food systems, and popular beliefs about fitness and nutrition. In this piece, Tamsin Blaxter and Tara Garnett from Table trace the history of protein from 1838 through to the end of the 'Protein fiasco' in 1974, discovering many echoes of the modern day.

Report on alternatives to meat protein published by OECD. Abstract: Meat alte

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