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The Cereal YEN was established in 2012, and is the longest-running Yield Enhancement Network.

  The flour milling industry plays a vital role in feeding and nourishing the nation – flour is an ingredient in 30% of supermarket foods. UK Flour Millers is proud of the part it plays in ensuring the industry continues to operate efficiently and reliably so that everyone can enjoy their daily bread. 

The AHDB Recommended Lists for cereals and oilseeds (RL) publications and resources provide information on yield and quality performance, agronomic features and market options to assist with variety selection. The RL is updated annually with the latest update for 2023/24 being published on 28th November 2022. The latest lists can be accessed online here.

Plant breeding is the science of adapting the genetics of plants to produce more desirable characteristics, in agriculture these typically include improved yield, in-field performance and end use quality.

At the root of all the best seed varieties.

Grain protein content and quality is one of the most important determinants of functionality of cereals, defining whether wheat grain is suitable for milling for bread making or biscuit making.

Report from 2011 by ADAS for NEPIC exploring how nitrogen fertiliser rates and timings could be optimised for bioethanol production.

Biofuels have been mandated in road fuel since 2008 to help reduce the fossil carbon emissions from petrol and diesel.  

Wheat is the most widly grown crop in the UK. Nationally yields average around 8 t/ha/

All agricultural produce has to be sold. Use this page to connect to useful resources, organisations and tools to help achieve the best prices. Information is also available on input prices, such as fertilisers.  

International Wheat & Maize Improvement Centre

How we manage our farms and fields is not only important for the nutrition of crops and livestock, but also for the quality and nutritive value of the food we eat.

HGCA report from 2006 setting out the principles and potential of using wheat for bioethanol production

Ergot is a fungus that grows on rye, triticale, wheat and barley, and to a lesser extent, oats. It also affects a wide range of grasses, particularly blackgrass. Although the disease has a relatively small effect on yield, ergots contain large amounts of toxic alkaloids that can pose a pose a risk to animal and human health.

Ahead of the imminent RB209 update, AHDB has invested in several projects on nutrient management

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