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NCS project partners are conducting pulse cropping and animal feed trials as part of the NCS Project.

Trials being done in the NCS project are exploring topics like bi-cropping, the effects on the soil of adding pulses to the rotation and other rotational effects and animal nutrition.


This topic area is to connect the trials being done as a part of The NCS Project by project partners. See 'Connected Content' for the individual trial pages.

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Our PulsePEP trial will evaluate the novel method of bi-cropping spring peas, spring oats and spring beans in a rotation, looking at the impact on available nitrogen (N) in the following crop.  It will also evaluate the environmental benefits of including pulses in a rotation, by measuring greenhouse gas emissions, particularly nitrous oxide (N2O), over the course of the experiment. 

The trial will evaluate the long-term effects of pulses in an arable rotation, particularly the effect on available N to following crops. Objectives are: To evaluate the effects of winter beans, winter bean/ winter wheat intercrop and spring beans on soil nitrogen supply annually over 5 years. To evaluate the effects of species and species mixtures on GHG emissions. To evaluate impacts on soil structure and health resulting from cropping differences.

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